Attention to Attendance Slideshow (From 03/08/2024 Meeting)
AHS All Day Absence Line: 925-335-5816
AHS Partial Day/Early Dismissal Line: 925-335-5817
Calling in Excused Absences
All full or partial absences must be reported within 72 hours. Please call the absence line and leave the following information:
Absences called after 1pm may not be recorded until the following day and you may receive an automated email/phone call. Please check Aeries Parent Portal to verify before calling.
Students and Teachers have 3 days to correct any absence or tardy errors. Students must speak with their teachers to correct class absences. Please do not call the office, as all corrections must be made by the teacher.
Procedure to Leave Campus
All students leaving campus must be called out or signed out by their parent or guardian via the attendance line. A pass will be delivered to the student, permitting them to leave. Any student leaving campus before being cleared by the attendance office is considered truant, and we cannot retroactively clear the truancy.
Please call the attendance line at least one hour before your student needs to leave. This will allow us to minimize disruption to classrooms and helps to ensure your student receives their pass in time.
If a student must leave campus due to illness or another reason, they should report to the attendance window and call their parent from there. The attendance technician must speak directly to the parent or guardian.
Recommended: Send a note with your student stating the reason they need to leave, your contact number, the student's departure time from school and if they will be returning. Have the student deliver to the attendance technician before school.
Upon parent or guardian verification, A student's absence shall be excused for any of the following reasons (Board Regulation 5113):
For the purpose of the absences described above, immediate family means the student's parent/guardian, brother or sister, grandparent, or any other relative living in the student's household. (Education Code 48205)
Please note that these are the only valid reasons that we can use to excuse a student’s absence. Common absences which are NOT excused include: