What is CaliforniaColleges.edu?
CaliforniaColleges.edu is California’s official college and career planning platform. Lessons and tools help students discover goals for life after high school, make plans to achieve them, and launch their futures. It’s free for California 6th - 12th grade students, their parents, and educators.
What kind of life do you want after high school? CaliforniaColleges.edu will help you figure it out and give you the tools to make it happen.
Discover your interests and values.
Find careers, colleges, or training to reach your goals.
Learn how to find money to pay for college.
Launch college and financial aid applications.
Monitor all your progress in one place.
Career Exploration
What do you want to do when you grow up? Begin your career exploration now to find careers that match your skills, academic and other interests.
Academic Planning
Preparing for life after high school starts now. Use My Plan to organize your thoughts, track steps, and develop a clear plan for the future. The Academic Planner contains your completed and enrolled coursework as reported by your school.
Financial Aid
Financial aid helps you pay for college. Educate yourself and your family about your options and the application process so you can get financial aid to meet your educational goals.
College Planning
Explore your college options, find programs and majors to study, become familiar with application requirements, like essays, placement exams and then apply.
Usage Guide
Before you can decide what you want to be, you need to understand who you are. The Career Exploration Tools help you discover how their values, interests, learning styles, and personalities can connect to fulfilling careers.
Career Exploration Tools Video
The Career Search Tool helps you find the career path that’s right for you by figuring out what you want to be, what careers connect to your strengths, and what steps it will take for you to get there.
Academic Planner
The Academic Planner can help you set yourself up for success by allowing you to plan your future coursework, review your completed courses and grades, and make sure you’re on track to achieve your career and/or college goals. Your transcript data automatically populates your Academic Planner.
CSU and UC Eligibility Tools Video
Financial Aid Tool
Financial aid helps you pay for college. Educate yourself and your family about your options and the application process so you can get financial aid to meet your educational goals. You can access tools that will help you learn about, plan for, and apply for financial aid.
Getting the most out of a college education means finding the college that’s the best fit. The College Search Tool helps students find the best colleges for their needs in California and across the country, based on the factors that matter most to them.
Learn valuable information to support your child through the career exploration, college and financial aid planning, and application processes.
How to Register your Parent Account Tutorial
Search Resource Hub
If you need more help navigate the website, but check out the Resource Hub for more tutorials, designed specifically for students, educators and parents.